Our United Communities AmeriCorps website is moving!
Our United Communities AmeriCorps website is moving!
We are currently in the process of moving our program information to our agencies website. To learn more about our program, please check us out at www.ucancap.org/americorps
We are currently in the process of moving our program information to our agencies website. To learn more about our program, please check us out at www.ucancap.org/americorps
For organizations who are interested in hosting an AmeriCorps member, please follow this link to be redirected to our RFP page.
For organizations who are interested in hosting an AmeriCorps member, please follow this link to be redirected to our RFP page.
Contact Us!
Email: ucamericorps@ucancap.org
Phone: (541) 492 - 3919
Address: 251 Garden Valley Blvd. Roseburg, OR 97470
Follow Us!
Instagram - @unitedcommunitiesamericorps
Facebook- United Communities AmeriCorps